Here are what some past participants have shared about their experience
I take with me forward, clearer thoughts and deeper understandings on what participative truly means….. I go out with a deeper understanding of the art of hosting and the different elements to the practice.
After the training I stepped up and took the leadership to design and facilitate two team meetings. I took the meeting to a room where we could sit in circle with no tables around us, we used a flip chart and no computers, I tried to bring in a calm energy and decided to implement check ins and outs, but more importantly I started one meeting with a moment on Levels of Listening and the second with a moment on Chaordic Steps to invite thinking that not all chaos is bad.
Overall I am feeling more confident to step up and facilitate our team meetings in a way that feels good to me.
這是去年年底 Art of Hosting(暫且翻作主持的藝術)培訓工作坊的核心探問。主持,不只是站在舞台上拿著麥克風,更是如何創造出讓人們感到安心、自在的空間,願意參與、發言、提問、互相好奇、分歧、僵持、討論、創新、找到共識、承諾、互助的過程。荷蘭政府水資源管理、科技公司企業文化整合、家庭醫師與病人關係、開發中國家森林復育計畫、曝顯青少年機構…參與者們的不同背景,帶來他們在生活中不同利害關係人意見分歧的挑戰。當演算法極化人群,小小的差異被無限放大,怎麼樣聆聽彼此,促成有意義的對話,是主持人、引導者,以及接下來世界要面臨的難題。
The principle of designing your training in a creative way to meet a certain need and purpose has opened my eyes in a way.
This week I designed a storytelling training for medical doctors in training. Making it smart, timely, well prepared, hosting together with others and inviting them in to actively co- host.
The design of this training including check in and out was really enabled by the AoH training! It has created a certain clarity also what is needed to make a project a success.
I really liked the holistic concept of the training.
In the future, the training will be a good basis to conceptualize processes, truly thinking about better questions, accepting the difficulty of being in the groan zone, etc.
I learned also in which parts and role I feel more and less comfortable.
The collective state helped me and I think also others to keep believing in what we pursue, although sometimes it feels like struggle and being alone. There are people like spirited while being so different. Collective state was hopeful, persistent, wobbly at times and loving.
The training as a whole was remarkable: the principles were deeply embodied in every step of the way.
I learned a lot about how to design and orchestrate hosting with care and love, and how to harvest more attentively.
The training also create space for me to step more courageously into my role and purpose, through the deep conversations we held.
The importance of structure, and the hand of mastery to choose it wisely and as minimal as possible.
The joy of joining a very disperse group of people (age, culture, education, profession) while being deeply connected on pursuing a symbiotic and true democratic world and society.
Throughout all 3 days you could notice the love, dedication, attention and precize accurate way of intervening.
Important take home message for me was “to host yourself before you can host others”.
Since the Training I am more effectively give attention to my inner clarity and take more time to get this clarity, which helps me a lot to stay calm and focused.