We’re excited to have you join us on this transformative journey. Before you register, please take a moment to review the information provided to make sure most of your questions are answered and your registration goes smoothly.
Below is a step-by-step guide to join the training.
1. Get to know the training
Read about the Training 2024. Scroll down for information about the pricing and accommodation before signing up.
2. Fill in the form
It take about 15-25 minutes to fill in the Registration Form. Registration close on the 15th October.
3. Complete the payment
Receive our email for payment instructions and complete the payment.
4. Confirm and get ready
Receive our confirmation and an info pack, mark your calendar, plan your transportation. Ready to go!
How much does it cost?
Your payment will cover mainly these costs:
- Venue hire
- Training fee & administration
- Trainers’ travel cost
- Meals, tea and snacks during the training
- Supplies for the training
- Accommodation of your choice
Training rates explained
As practitioners and dreamers of more collaborative ways of working together, we are aiming to create this training as inclusive as possible while balancing the art of healthy economy – paying for fixed costs and honour the hard work and experience of the team organising and hosting the training. We invite you into shared aspirations and responsibility to support this training to happen.
Within the Art of Hosting practice, we aim to operate with the principle of “Ask for what you need, offer what you can“. To supoort an inclusive, healthy and fair economy, we offer a three-tired fee structure as a guide to choose from (N.B. – the fee does not include accommodation), as they reflect the real cost and support we need to make this training available to everyone.
Please read the description carefully and choose the price that feels most right for you, and consider to contribute to the Gifts to the Community to support those who don’t have means to afford these tiers.
Fair Rate
- By paying the fair rate you are contributing to pay for the venue, meals, materials, travel costs and hundreds of loving hours of dedication of the hosting and organising team in making this training possible.
- For applicants who otherwise won’t be able to participate in the training due to financial reasons.
- Note:
- Scholarships are subject to availability. Please send a message to [email protected], state your intention and situation, and we will get back to you.
Community Support Rate
- We aim to support those who works in the social sector and contributes to strengthen the social web. If your work centres around building capacity for underserved or marginalised communities such as low-income, elderly, indigenous tribes, rural areas, elderly and more, or you are a young professional under 35 who works in the education or in a social business and needs financial support, this rate is offered for you. (Please state in the registration form your age and profession.)
Corporate / Sponsorship
- By choosing this rate, you are making it possible to spread abundance and contribute for a fellow participant in need to attend this training.
- We encourage participants coming from a corporate or better economic background to choose paying this rate.
‘Gifts to the Community’ fund
We understand that these fees might still be a lot for some people, while they are not much for others. That is why we are creating a pot called Gifts to the Community; everyone can give to, and ask for support from the Gifts.

Illustration by XuAn
Offer what you can
Whether you are attending the training or not, you can join us in enabling everyone who wants to be there to be there by contributing to our Gifts to the Community fund. Any unused funds will be reserved for the next training as Gifts.
If you are signing up for the training, you can make your contribution together with your payment. Otherwise, please consider offering your generousity to the Gifts to the Community fund, please transfer your contribution to 朝邦文教基金會 (CP Yen Foundation) and place a note ‘Contribution for AoH Taiwan(支持AoH台灣)’:
合作金庫銀行 台北分行
(If a receipt is required, please send your request to [email protected] with your name, date and the amount of your contribution within a week.)
Ask for what you need
If you really want to be in this training but finance is a barrier, you can consider to ask for support from the Community Gifts fund. For example, if you can only offer USD 720, you can ask for the rest from the Gifts if there’s remain available).
Please indicate your need in the registration form and our team will be in touch for further steps. Apply for this support before 10th October, but the earlier you ask, the better.
We know that asking for help sometimes requires a lot of courage and consideration. Feel free to reach out to us if you would love to have a conversation.
Accommodation choices
Mustard Seed Mission offers several types of rooms with different sizes. Click on each tab to read more.
( For pictures of the accommodation, please check out here.)
- Number of rooms: (Sold Out)
- You will share a twin room with 1 other participant of the same (bio) gender.
- Price: TWD 2,400 (3 nights, price per person).
- Number of rooms: 2 left
- Share a triple room with 2 other participants (3 single beds)
- Price: TWD $1,970 (3 nights, price per person).
※ The price is not fixed as we need to wait until enough people signed up to share this chosen room type with you. Please wait for the payment for accommodation to be finalised when we close the registration.
- Number of rooms: 9
- A double bed for 1 people and 2 other single beds for a maximum of 2 people.
- We recommend to share this room between 2-3 people.
- The price for 3 night: $3,500 TWD/per person (for twin-share), or $2,334 TWD/per person (for sharing between 3 people).
※ The price is not fixed as we need to wait until enough people signed up to share this chosen room type with you. Please wait for the payment for accommodation to be finalised when we close the registration.
Cancellation policy
In order to secure your place for the training, fees are incurred at the time of registration. Therefore only a partial refund is available if you have to cancel your participation. You can transfer your place to another person to reduce these cancellation fee.
- If you cancel before 6 October, you will be refunded 70% training fee + 60% accommodation fee.
- If you cancel between 7th to 25th October, you will be refunded 50% training fee + 30% accommodation fee.
- If you cancel between 26th to 30th October, you will be refunded 30% training fee + 20% accommodation fee.
- No refund after 30 October.
- If you can find someone to substitute your place, you can transfer your payment to another participants, plus any accommodation difference it may occur at the time of the transafer.
Ready to be a part of the community?
The training has limited space,
Sign up as soon as you can to secure your spot.
Check out the FAQ page or contact [email protected] to find out more.